Senin, 26 November 2012

jasa ekpedisi belawan

In Bahasa called EMKL (Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal Laut). We serve an Inovative, Pleasant, Trust and  your cargo Express arrive to the place or address. Together with our patners and agents, we offer service any country and domestic of regional specially Indonesia, making CV.BELAWAN MANDIRI a truly global player. By our professional and advantageous overall solutions include core as well as Forwarding, Shipping Agency and Transportion in the best professional services.

CV.BELAWAN MANDIRI have serve one-stop Freight-Fowarding services company for customers who require services like Freight-Fowarding, Custom Clearance, Warehousing Distribution, Land of Transportion, door to port services,port to door services and door to door services then Project Shipments and etc.

You can call and send E-mail to :
Jalan Selebes No.315 Belawan 20412
Tlp/Fax : 061-6943846
Contact Person :
ANDI (             0857-6284-4475       or 081375982776 )
E-Mail : or

TRUSTED,PLEASANT And EXPRESS ARRIVE is our priorty and our mind.

kami dari CV.BELAWAN MANDIRI yang berada di Pelabuhan Belawan (Medan) menawarkan jasa kerja sama ekspedisi untuk menghandling cargo dan barang domestik (antar Pulau) dari dan menuju Pelabuhan Belawan untuk dikirimkan sesuai tujuan. Dengan Moto kami Kepercayaan, Kenyaman dan Cepat Sampai Tujuan.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011


In Bahasa called EMKL (Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal Laut). We serve an Inovative, Pleasant, Trust and  your cargo Express arrive to the place or address. Together with our patners and agents, we offer  domestic of regional specially Indonesia, making CV.BELAWAN MANDIRI a truly national of player. By our professional and advantageous overall solutions include core as well as Forwarding, Shipping Agency and Transportion in the best professional services.

CV.BELAWAN MANDIRI have serve one-stop Freight-Fowarding services company for customers who require services like Freight-Fowarding, Warehousing Distribution, Land of Transportion, door to port services,port to door services and door to door services then Project Shipments and etc.

Kami dari CV.BELAWAN MANDIRI yang berada di Pelabuhan Belawan (Medan)  menawarkan kerja sama untuk menghandling cargo dan barang domestik (antar Pulau) dari dan menuju Pelabuhan Belawan untuk dikirimkan sesuai tujuan. Maka dari itu percayakan cargo penggiriman Anda kepada kami di seluruh Indonesia baik perorangan maupun perusahaan dari mulai perusahaan sampai pengerjaan project yang dapat kami bantu denagan senang hati dan dengan rasa persahabatan yang kuat.

                                              Dengan Moto kami :
Kepercayaan, Kenyaman dan Cepat Sampai Tujuan adalah prioritas dan dalam sistem kami.

You can call and send E-mail to :
Jalan Selebes No.315 Belawan 20412
Tlp/Fax : 061-6943846
Contact Person :
ANDI ( 0857-6284-4475 or 081375982776 )
E-Mail : or

TRUSTED,PLEASANT And EXPRESS ARRIVE is our priorty and system.